tiny toes balletClass Fees & Booking Process

The booking process for our children's ballet classes is very simple. Just follow these simple steps to begin your Tiny Toes Ballet journey:

Trial two children's ballet classes

We know that children like to try different things. We understand that paying upfront can be an expensive exercise if they decide our children's ballet classes are not for them.

We allow you to join the term at any time and also offer a full refund on the remaining weeks of the term if after trialling for two weeks, the classes are not for you.

What if my child does not settle into their tiny toes ballet class?

You can book classes at any point during the term. If after the first two weeks, your child does not settle into the class- Then we offer a refund for the remaining weeks of the tiny toes ballet term.

Book a class here

Children need time to adapt and get used to a new environment. It is natural for a child to watch the first week until they feel happy, safe, and secure in our children's ballet classes. We call week three the 'Magic Week' and by this time usually, see a huge difference in pupil participation.

View our tiny toes ballet Gallery

Class Fees for tiny toes ballet

As we keep the space for your child whether they are there or not, we cannot refund you for any missed tiny toes ballet classes. If you know you are going to miss a class, we can offer you an extra class, subject to availability. Just speak to your teacher to arrange it.

Children's Ballet class booking

1. Find a children's ballet class you want to book by searching:

 Book a class View our Locations

2. Once you have found the children's ballet class you want to book just follow the online booking process, pay online and you will receive an email confirmation of your booking.

Join our tiny toes ballet Waiting List

If the children's ballet class you want to join is full just click to join the waiting list. You will receive an email with a priority booking date to book the next term of tiny toes ballet classes.


Children's ballet class not open?

If the tiny toes ballet class you want to join is not open click the contact form to email your tiny toes ballet area. They will get in touch to tell you exactly when booking opens.


3. Once you have booked, paid and received your email confirmation you become a tiny toes ballet client. When you log in to your online account here you will have priority booking for the next term of our children's ballet classes.

Re-booking your tiny toes ballet class

It is important, during the current term of classes, that you log in view, and book the next terms of children's ballet classes.

Your space for next term is saved just for you and available to re-book for the first three weeks of the current term. When it gets to week four of term, if you have not re-booked your space for the following term it will be released for someone else.

If you want to re-book your child's ballet class but need to move up to the next class please contact your teacher and let them know during weeks 1-3 of term. 

There is a one off welcome pack and joining fee of £8 for each child who joins our tiny toes ballet programme. This includes the following:

  • Our unique tiny toes ballet ‘Learning Journey’ book. This tracks your child’s development and progression through the 5 stages of the tiny toes ballet™ programme.

  • An instant photo taken of your child at their first tiny toes ballet class.
  • A tiny toes ballet tote bag
  • A certificate for every tiny toes stage completed
  • A digital copy of tiny toes ballet music used in class, so you can both practise at home!
  • Insurance cover for all our children's ballet classes
  • A free transfer to another tiny toes ballet school- if you move house or change area. 

Weekly tiny toes ballet classes

Let’s Run Together and Make a Difference for Alder Hey Children's Hospital!

A very special event this Spring will bring all our wonderful tiny toes dancers across the UK together for an incredible cause! 🌟 Our tiny dancers are coming together as a team across the UK to run a total of 26 miles in support of a cause close to all of our hearts—helping children in need of life-saving medical care. (Click on image above for further information)


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