Ballet is for toddlers, for old and for young. Ballet is for boys, Ballet is for everyone!

Reuben absolutely loves his tiny toes ballet class, he's grown so much in confidence since going and Michaela is wonderful with him. It's a shame more boys don't go! I hope you can encourage more to join!

Is ballet for boys?

At tiny toes ballet we offer children’s ballet classes that are fun, stimulating, and based on themes that both boys and girls love. Children's ballet classes are a good source of fun and exercise, but also a creative outlet. Ballet for boys and girls allows children to express themselves in a fun, energetic and engaging way that is non-judgemental.

Book a two week trial for your ballet boy or ballet girl today!
In a study of tiny toes clients it was found that, on average, 85% of parents felt that their child’s confidence levels improved because of attending tiny toes ballet.

Read our parent's testimonials here

Wellbeing through dance

Creativity is as important as exercising and maintaining a balanced diet in the development of healthy children, because of the life skills they will learn. Children’s ballet classes can make a person feel physically refreshed and improve their mood, tackling serious issues including anxiety and depression, and not just in adults.

Children’s ballet is the perfect toolkit for Wellbeing. Read more here.

Fun facts about boys ballet and male Ballet Dancers:

  • Ballet is the oldest dance form and was actually developed in the 17th century. When ballet was first created, only boys were allowed to participate!
  • Male dancers are not called ballerinas- they are called just that ‘Male Ballet dancers’
  • Professional male ballet dancers are often fitter and stronger than other athletes. 
  • Professional Male ballet dancers strength and stamina alone put them at the level of Olympians.

Read more about a very famous male ballet dancer here- Carlos Acosta, who wanted to be a footballer, but his dad sent him to a boys ballet school to teach him discipline and to stop him getting into trouble!

Why Ballet classes for boys?  We are all made to dance

As babies in the womb, the very first thing we respond to is the rhythm of our mother’s heartbeat and the music of her voice. There is no specific gender barrier here. When babies are born, both boys and girls, express themselves through movement, before they can speak.

At tiny toes ballet we offers ballet classes for toddlers and ballet for boys and girls.

Through our themed terms we might be travelling to the moon or swimming under the sea with dolphins- offering a creative outlet for all children regardless of gender.

Ballet classes for children

Ballet is a wonderful form of self-expression, exercise and creativity. Many children, both boys and girls love to move to music, it makes them happy. Dance traditionally transcends barriers of race, class, age.

The foundations of ballet explored

Children’s ballet classes help develop a sense of body awareness, it helps with confidence and social skills. Ballet for boys and girls can help those who struggle with language by presenting an opportunity to communicate without words. Ballet for boys and girls allows room for creative thinking and the acceptance of varied concepts, it stimulates intellect.

All around us everyday, we see people continuously bursting through stereotypes. Boys and girls can do ballet. ‘Ballet is for Boys’, Ballet is for everyone!

Book a free taster session today!

Let’s Run Together and Make a Difference for Alder Hey Children's Hospital!

A very special event this Spring will bring all our wonderful tiny toes dancers across the UK together for an incredible cause! 🌟 Our tiny dancers are coming together as a team across the UK to run a total of 26 miles in support of a cause close to all of our hearts—helping children in need of life-saving medical care. (Click on image above for further information)


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